Benalla Art Gallery Shop Bev Aisbett: Doily Digressions 

Bridge Street Benalla Victoria

Doily Digressions features intricate jewellery pieces, such as necklaces, brooches, and earrings, all crafted from doilies.

The wall art includes framed doily-inspired motifs of iconic figures like Frida Kahlo, as well as mixed-media paintings that incorporate doilies into vibrant collages. The 3D sculptures take on the form of whimsical animals and plants, further exploring the doily's versatility as a medium for artistic expression.

Bev Aisbett, is a widely exhibited visual artist whose work has been featured in numerous galleries, including the Dancing Dog Café Gallery, SmartArtz Gallery, Without Pier Gallery, and the Tasmania Shop Gallery Salamanca. Most recently, her work has been showcased at Rennies of Acheron and MiRa (Marysville), along with numerous group and solo exhibitions.

In addition to her visual art, Bev is a well-known author and illustrator of 19 best-selling self-help books, particularly celebrated for her illustrated guides on managing anxiety and depression, including Living with IT (now in its 33rd year in print) and Taming the Black Dog (in its 30th year), with all titles published by HarperCollins.
